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Join your local community to chat, help, share

Our Values

Connections matter

We shall remember faces and introduce members to each other at every opportunity. Promoting and encouraging each other.

Add Value

If a community member needs support and it can be done, together we will sort it, to fix it with a smile.

Take the Initiative

In our current social climate where vulnerability and mental health is paramount, checking in with our members is key to ensuring they are ok. We will always look out for others.

Be Warm

‘In a world where you can be anything, be kind’ is a great reminder to smile and talk to everyone! Make a new introduction everyday.

Listen first, act second

Always watch out for others, reach out to people who have gone quiet.
Empathise and respond thoughtfully at all times.

Be proactive

Make it personal, drop invites to locals, not everyone lives online. Help those in need download the app on their iPad or phone - then introduce them to the community and share something nice the community could do for them. The opportunities are endless: a few cookies from your batch, fresh fruit or cuttings from the garden or a hello on your run.

Inspire others and lead with integrity

Let your positive personality shine through. Demonstrate your willingness to help others and build a community where people want to be. Do whats right, even when no one is looking.

Stay in Touch

Stay up-to-date with community news, insights and updates. Sign up for our newsletter.

We respect your privacy.

The Neighbourhood Support Service

Camden Gateway
349 Royal College Street
London NW1 9QS

© Copyright Neighbourhood Support Service Limited 2024